How to Use a Scanner to Send a Fax

If I have a scanner, can I use it to fax. It says that I can, but do you have directions in making this simple?

Yes, you can use a scanner to create images of pages — in combintion with a fax modem or Internet fax service. The benefit here is that you can fax a signed contract, page out of a book, or other non-digital document.

Chances are your fax machine came with software for sending faxes. If so, that may be the easiest tool to scan a page and fax it with your fax modem in one fell sweep. Even if the scanner didn’t include faxing software, that’s OK: you can scan the document with its scanning software, then use your operating system’s fax software to send the digital version using your fax modem. In Windows XP, the Send Fax Wizard will show you how. Or if you prefer, you can upload that digital picture to a Internet fax service.