Are there any internet fax services that charge by the fax instead of by the month?

Are there any internet fax services that charge by the fax instead of charging a monthly fee? I don’t use faxes very consistently or often, and I think this might be a better deal for me.

Well, FaxZero charges per fax, but if you send more than a couple of of faxes per month you shouldn’t worry too much about the monthly fee. It’s usually quite small and includes a large number of faxes per month. For example, FlatRateFax is $6.95 per month for 300 pages, and MetroFax is $7.95 for 500. FaxZero charges $1.99 per fax of 15 pages or less, so unless you really only send one or two faxes every month, you may be better off with one of those monthly services.

That said, be sure to check what kind of a contract you’re getting yourself into with monthly services. Are there minimum commitments? Activation fees? Read all contracts carefully, and if you need help picking a service that fits your needs, try for a comparison of the many services available.

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