Can fax lines be removed and faxes be shifted to VOIP by simply using a T38 enabled gateway?
Can Fax Lines be removed and faxes be shifted to VOIP by simply using a T38 enabled gateway?
The simple answer is: yes, you can remove fax lines and shift all your faxes to VOIP using a T38 enabled gateway.
The more complicated answer is: faxes were created with analog networks in mind. As such, putting them through a VOIP network doesn’t work very well. The T38 enabled gateway changes the way the information is transmitted so it can travel over the Internet.
A T38 capable VOIP gateway is basically a machine that turns the fax information into digital information. So, essentially, you’re removing the need for a fax line (you’ll be sending your faxes over VOIP).
However, anyone receiving your faxes must also have a T38 enabled gateway or a T38 capable fax machine in order to receive your faxes because they need to be able to turn that digital information back into analog signals understood by the fax machine.
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