Retry Fax Send on MacOS X?

I need to send a fax through MacOS X, but it failed. Is there a way that I can automatically resend failed fax transmissions?

The built-in fax capabilities included with MacOS X have many practical features, letting you send faxes from almost any application on your computer. MacOS X can also send scheduled faxes and retain a record of your transmission history. You may also save, email, and print your faxes. But the MacOS X fax application doesn’t have an automatic resend option. Fortunately, SmileOnMyMac spent a lot of effort developing their full-featured fax program, PageSender. The latest version of this program automatically resends failed faxes for you.

It also has many other features that are lacking in the MacOS X fax tools, including optional emailed or printed confirmations. PageSender also allows for integrated use with eFax, jConnect, MaxEmail, and EasyLink. Another advantage that PageSender has over the MacOS X fax function is that you can use several internal and external fax modem types. PageSender also guards you against spam and lets you attach additional documents for sending. If you want more control over how your cover page will look like, the program includes a variety of cover page templates for your use, or you can create your own customized cover page.

PageSender costs $39.95. A discount for purchase and upgrades is available for students, faculty, and staff of accredited schools, colleges, and universities. PageSender 4.0 requires an installation of MacOS X 10.4 or above. If you have an earlier version of MacOS X, you can use PageSender 3.5.5. instead.

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