Fax from a Mac
Friday, December 30th, 2016How do I fax a PDF from my Mac? When I try to access my fax modem, I only get options for my printer. I have OS X Yosemite.
How do I fax a PDF from my Mac? When I try to access my fax modem, I only get options for my printer. I have OS X Yosemite.
I’ve heard there are faxing apps for smart phones. I’d particularly like to find a free fax app for iPhone, where receiving and sending faxes, as well as the app itself, are free.
I want to fax everyone in the U.S. Senate and House, which is about 535 numbers. Trying to do that with more than 3 pages twice a month gets expensive online. I would love to find an alternative to PageSender that will work on Mac’s OSX Lion. All the online services charge per page or […]
Our old fax machine use to automatically answer an incoming fax even if you answered the phone thinking it was a voice call. With our new fax machine we have to pick-up the fax machine receiver and press the start button if you answer the phone and it is a fax. How can we get […]
Can you recommend a small business fax machine that has password-protected receiving?
I’ve just moved and am using my iPhone as my only phone. I have a Mac computer and a fax machine. Can I fax without a land line?
Q: I’ve heard there is fax software available free of charge. What is it? Is it any good? Where can I find some for Windows and Mac computers?
My phone and fax machine share one line. I’m so sick of rushing to pick up a ringing phone only to hear that annoying tone that means it’s really a fax coming in. What can I do?
I need to send a fax through MacOS X, but it failed. Is there a way that I can automatically resend failed fax transmissions?
I sent a test fax from FaxZero (the free send fax service) to my account at K7 (the free receive fax service), but I only received the fax cover page, not the Page 2 with the text I’d typed in! Is something broken with FaxZero or K7? I’m using MacOS X.