Can I fax a cease and desist letter?
Friday, November 20th, 2015I keep getting creditors and collection agencies calling me. I don’t have their address and I don’t want them to have mine–can I fax a cease and desist letter with legal hold?
I keep getting creditors and collection agencies calling me. I don’t have their address and I don’t want them to have mine–can I fax a cease and desist letter with legal hold?
I’m trying to sell my car, and I have a buyer who’s already given me a down payment. But now he’s saying he needs a copy of the title. Can I fax that safely?
Can I send an Microsoft Word document as a fax or do I have to convert it to a different file type first?
I have a fax machine, but I’m thinking about moving to Internet faxing. Which one is more secure?
I need to scan a document into my computer and then fax it. What resolution should it be?
I need to fax a 20-page report to my boss, but every time I send a page it thinks I’m done transmitting and prints out a confirmation page. How can I make this go faster?
I filled out an application as a PDF and now I have to fax it to the employer. I have access to a fax machine but not a printer. Do I really have to print it out just to fax it?
I just found out about a great job, but the deadline is tomorrow. Can I fax in my resume and application, or is that bad form?
How do I know if a fax actually went through after I sent it?
I applied for a job and now they want me to send them my Social Security number. Is faxing the safest way to send it?